Monday, 29 September 2008
Kat & Rob
Something's way off about the "add-pictures-function"...
Luckily, Picasa makes blogging simple.. Or something like that.
So, since I can't seem to be able to add a photo to a former post, I'll just have to make a new one.
Here you go, for the world to see: 2 of my flatmates. Kat & Rob... Weeeeee:D
Call me!!
Yeah! It's been two weeks since I got here (seriously?), and I've finally managed to get myself a british phonenr. Got pen and paper?
(+44)/(0)7532 069812
Call me, text me, jump up and down on one foot, I really don't mind, cause it woun't cost me a thing;)
Now all I have to do, is memorise it myself:S
(+44)/(0)7532 069812
Call me, text me, jump up and down on one foot, I really don't mind, cause it woun't cost me a thing;)
Now all I have to do, is memorise it myself:S
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008
Aberdeen Beach
What a beautiful day! Sun's shining from a blue sky. And since today's a Public Holiday, lets do something special. Aberdeen has a beautiful beach. I wouldn't go for swim at the time, but what about brining a book, finding a bench with a view, buy some coffee... So, since I don't have a photocamera any more (and since I haven't acctually left yet) I'll just give you a few sneakpeaks that I found on Google.

Looking good? I'll let you know:)

Looking good? I'll let you know:)
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Chicken, cheese and doner.
Just got back in. It's 02.45am and Kat went off to some mates flat (no.83). On our way home from Liquid we stopped and got some foood. Never before has Chips with cheese and Doner tasted this good. I'm going to enjoy it whilst watching the newest Bones episode and then crawl into bed. And, NO ROB, I woun't drop it;)
Friday, 19 September 2008
Granite and Flatmates!
Aberdeen is after all the worlds granite city. That makes it very grey. You don't find red houses in Aberdeen. Do you? (uhm, yes you do. red.anm.)
But guess what? I kind of like it. The city is just big enough, and very cosy. And I haven't even been out to the beach yet!

I still haven't been inside St.Andrews campus at this point (which is where School of Life Sciences is located), but it looks alright from the outside.

SO... now what?
That's a good question. I have enroled, got my ID-card, not joined any societies or clubs yet, and school doesn't start til Tuesday (because Monday is an Aberdeen-holiday. Not in England, nor Scotland. Just in Aberdeen...?!). Suppose I could try to get in at St.Andrew, just to have a look around. Missed my induction session last tuesday (beeing on my way from London), so I've no idea about anything inside the building.
I'll survive though. I always do!
But guess what? I kind of like it. The city is just big enough, and very cosy. And I haven't even been out to the beach yet!

I still haven't been inside St.Andrews campus at this point (which is where School of Life Sciences is located), but it looks alright from the outside.
Woolmanhill is... well.. student flats. Good enough, even though we're on the 4th floor (tilsvara 5.etasje) and lifts are yet to be discovered:p

And then you have the co-students.
There's 6 of us living here in flat 18. I've only met 3. No wait, that's not intierly true! I saw the 2 others yesterday when we all had to go outside, because Betty set the FIREALARM!! Oh yes;) Never straighten your hair when the windows are shot. Gets warm. Obviously;p
Betty isn't a fresher, no idea what she studies, but she is Dutch and very sweet!! Was sprechts du?
We also have Kat, my new older sister who always has her door open:) "Please come in, derlin', Please?". She was in fact born here, and has now returned to shake Aberdeen up a little;)
And then there's Rob. Or Reb as he says it:p Irish that guy. Very. And NO, he does not own a kilt. What part of Irish didn't you get? Have a feeling we'll spend a lot more evenings on his bed, watching stand-ups and strange films in the year to come.
There's 6 of us living here in flat 18. I've only met 3. No wait, that's not intierly true! I saw the 2 others yesterday when we all had to go outside, because Betty set the FIREALARM!! Oh yes;) Never straighten your hair when the windows are shot. Gets warm. Obviously;p
Betty isn't a fresher, no idea what she studies, but she is Dutch and very sweet!! Was sprechts du?
We also have Kat, my new older sister who always has her door open:) "Please come in, derlin', Please?". She was in fact born here, and has now returned to shake Aberdeen up a little;)
And then there's Rob. Or Reb as he says it:p Irish that guy. Very. And NO, he does not own a kilt. What part of Irish didn't you get? Have a feeling we'll spend a lot more evenings on his bed, watching stand-ups and strange films in the year to come.

SO... now what?
That's a good question. I have enroled, got my ID-card, not joined any societies or clubs yet, and school doesn't start til Tuesday (because Monday is an Aberdeen-holiday. Not in England, nor Scotland. Just in Aberdeen...?!). Suppose I could try to get in at St.Andrew, just to have a look around. Missed my induction session last tuesday (beeing on my way from London), so I've no idea about anything inside the building.
I'll survive though. I always do!
Enroled :D
All good things come in threes... so they say!
And it acctually took me 3 days to get enroled. You see, I had to attend to International Orientation first. Easier said than done...
I was convinced that Wednesdays orientation-session was at 10am. It was not. It was at 9am. Shoot.
Thursday I was out early, going for the 08.10 bus, which was packed. So was the 08.20 bus. I finally got on the 08.30 bus, and ended up at Garthdee at 09.05. TOO LATE!! Schools stict policy says that late students will have to come back the next day. I tried to smile my way in, but no can do.
So, today I was reaaaally early. This time I acctually got on the 08.10 bus, which ment that I spent over an hour waiting at Garthdee seeing as todays session was not until 10am. I have never loved Costa Coffee more.
Anyway... International Orientation was finally attended, giving me good information that I mostly already knew:) Then it was off to financial advicing, on line enrolment and photographing. So now I'm officially an RGU student, with my very own ID-card;)
*i'll try to get a picture of it*
And it acctually took me 3 days to get enroled. You see, I had to attend to International Orientation first. Easier said than done...
I was convinced that Wednesdays orientation-session was at 10am. It was not. It was at 9am. Shoot.
Thursday I was out early, going for the 08.10 bus, which was packed. So was the 08.20 bus. I finally got on the 08.30 bus, and ended up at Garthdee at 09.05. TOO LATE!! Schools stict policy says that late students will have to come back the next day. I tried to smile my way in, but no can do.
So, today I was reaaaally early. This time I acctually got on the 08.10 bus, which ment that I spent over an hour waiting at Garthdee seeing as todays session was not until 10am. I have never loved Costa Coffee more.
Anyway... International Orientation was finally attended, giving me good information that I mostly already knew:) Then it was off to financial advicing, on line enrolment and photographing. So now I'm officially an RGU student, with my very own ID-card;)
*i'll try to get a picture of it*
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Just another weekend in London...
Home, sweet home?
Well, not exactly. But it acctually feels like it at times.
I don't mind having my "own room" in New Cross. Ofcourse, seeing Sevda and Daniel again was wonderful too;p
Friday 12th sept:
My flight arrived at Gatwick around 8.35 pm, after beeing close to 45mins. delayed (orginal time of arrival was meant to be 8.10pm - you do the math...). You know the routine: get of the airoplane, walk, walk some more, wait in que, show your passport, exchange some money (at least I always do), and then wait for your luggage. And I had A LOT of luggage. One computerbag, one trumpetbag, one rather large suitcase and an even larger one:p
Luckily I found the lifts down to the trainplatforms. The lady who sold me the ticket to London, told me platform no.4. So when I got down there, and a train was just getting ready to leave, I jumped on it just as the doors were closing (well: jumped and jumped....crawled with bloodtaste in my mouth and only whites in my eyes, half dragging - half pushing my nearly 17 bags and belongings, is probably more like it...), About 5 seconds later I realised I was on the southbound train. Meaning away from London. GREAT. With some luck, the next station would be 25 mins. away. Surprisingly, it only took about 4 mins, until I could get off, and get on the northbound train going back up. So, about 45mins. and lots and lots of dragging, pushing, strange situations and worries later, I could fill Daniels car with my stuff. I felt really sorry for the car, but it got us home alright. Never before has a purring cat on a curled up lap in the sofa, whilst being served Sevdas food again felt better. Yup; home, sweet home.
Saturday 13th sept:
Daniel went to play at a football cup, whilst Sevda and I had time to eat a proper Sevda-breakfast before going out. The sun was shining, and even though we weren't allowed to have a look around inside the old London Library as planned, we wandered remote streets and found a cosy coffee-bar with a backgarden next to an old church. After enjoying our Espresso con panna and Iced Tea with lemon, we stumbled upon a small market where we both agreed that we would have wanted to take home one of the fairytale-puppets AND the old lady who told the stories whilst playing with them. After a quick journey on the underground again, we got lost in narrow streets in Temple, and acctually FOUND the Temple Church filmed in "the Da Vinci Code". We crossed the bridge on Blackfriars Bridge, watched the River Thems Festival and boating races, and ended up at Ev, a turkish restaurant in Southwark, where we had the Deniz Menu. We practiacally rolled home. So did Daniel whom, after having lost all of their matches, could barely walk for a few days;)
Later that evening we drove to Blackheath for a drink (meaning: Daniel drove, Sevda commented, and I enjoyed the views, trying not to mind the cars coming towards me on the wrong side of the road).
Sunday 14th sept:
Daniel drove us to Dulwich Village, where we spent most of the day in the park. After drinking coffee outside the little diner, we decided to rent a tandembike. Daniel, still suffering from a great amount of pain after playing football, gladly volunteered to carry our handbags whilst Sevda and I went for a ride. Interesting ride, I'll tell you! But we got the hang of it, and even pursuaded Daniel to have a go.
After a few hours of resting out at home, we drove to Surrey Quays were we ate pizza at Pizza Hut and then watched The Duchess at the pictures. (Sevda, Cecilie and I acctually walked through one of the sceneries from this film, at The Royal Naval University in Greenwich last October.)
Monday 15th sept:
Daniel, poor thing, had to go off early for work. Sevda and I did not! We ate some toast and an apple (presicely! I ate toast and Sevda ate the apple), and then went off to Londons Kings Cross Railwaystation to pick up my tickets for the next day. We then met with Dan at Liverpool Street Station, and had lunch at Burger King..:/
Sevda and I walked down Goodge Street, where we windowshopped at BangBang, drank hot chocholate at Starbucks, and "skimmed" through TopShop when we finally reached Regent and Oxford Street. I say "skimmed", because you would need about 3 days to look thoroughly through it all. We also stopped by Zara and House of Frasier, before we exhausted went home. After stopping by Sainsburys and the videostore, we made homemade Köfte and mashed potatoes and watched August Rush. It was commonly agreed that Jonathan Rhys Meyrs isn't exactly ugly to look at;)
Tuesday 16th sept:
It was time to move on. Literarly. Poor Sevda wasn't feeling well, so she stayed in bed that morning. Daniel and I left her behind, and travelled towards Kings Cross. I'm afraid he'll face pain for a few more days, as he carried my enormous suitcase down and up the stairs at New Cross Station. Isn't he just adorable!! Luckily for us both, the rest of the journey offered escalators or lifts. I "chased" him off to work at Aldgate, only two stops before Kings Cross, with a promise to be back in not too long (hopefully without 29kg suitcases..). When I got there the only thing to do was wait. 50 mins. later (9am) I was on my way to Edinburgh, and from there on to Aberdeen. Exited? You could say so. But not as exited as the two senior american women who wrote down practically everything they saw on the way. How sweet.
Well, not exactly. But it acctually feels like it at times.
I don't mind having my "own room" in New Cross. Ofcourse, seeing Sevda and Daniel again was wonderful too;p
Friday 12th sept:
My flight arrived at Gatwick around 8.35 pm, after beeing close to 45mins. delayed (orginal time of arrival was meant to be 8.10pm - you do the math...). You know the routine: get of the airoplane, walk, walk some more, wait in que, show your passport, exchange some money (at least I always do), and then wait for your luggage. And I had A LOT of luggage. One computerbag, one trumpetbag, one rather large suitcase and an even larger one:p
Luckily I found the lifts down to the trainplatforms. The lady who sold me the ticket to London, told me platform no.4. So when I got down there, and a train was just getting ready to leave, I jumped on it just as the doors were closing (well: jumped and jumped....crawled with bloodtaste in my mouth and only whites in my eyes, half dragging - half pushing my nearly 17 bags and belongings, is probably more like it...), About 5 seconds later I realised I was on the southbound train. Meaning away from London. GREAT. With some luck, the next station would be 25 mins. away. Surprisingly, it only took about 4 mins, until I could get off, and get on the northbound train going back up. So, about 45mins. and lots and lots of dragging, pushing, strange situations and worries later, I could fill Daniels car with my stuff. I felt really sorry for the car, but it got us home alright. Never before has a purring cat on a curled up lap in the sofa, whilst being served Sevdas food again felt better. Yup; home, sweet home.
Saturday 13th sept:
Daniel went to play at a football cup, whilst Sevda and I had time to eat a proper Sevda-breakfast before going out. The sun was shining, and even though we weren't allowed to have a look around inside the old London Library as planned, we wandered remote streets and found a cosy coffee-bar with a backgarden next to an old church. After enjoying our Espresso con panna and Iced Tea with lemon, we stumbled upon a small market where we both agreed that we would have wanted to take home one of the fairytale-puppets AND the old lady who told the stories whilst playing with them. After a quick journey on the underground again, we got lost in narrow streets in Temple, and acctually FOUND the Temple Church filmed in "the Da Vinci Code". We crossed the bridge on Blackfriars Bridge, watched the River Thems Festival and boating races, and ended up at Ev, a turkish restaurant in Southwark, where we had the Deniz Menu. We practiacally rolled home. So did Daniel whom, after having lost all of their matches, could barely walk for a few days;)
Later that evening we drove to Blackheath for a drink (meaning: Daniel drove, Sevda commented, and I enjoyed the views, trying not to mind the cars coming towards me on the wrong side of the road).
Sunday 14th sept:
Daniel drove us to Dulwich Village, where we spent most of the day in the park. After drinking coffee outside the little diner, we decided to rent a tandembike. Daniel, still suffering from a great amount of pain after playing football, gladly volunteered to carry our handbags whilst Sevda and I went for a ride. Interesting ride, I'll tell you! But we got the hang of it, and even pursuaded Daniel to have a go.
After a few hours of resting out at home, we drove to Surrey Quays were we ate pizza at Pizza Hut and then watched The Duchess at the pictures. (Sevda, Cecilie and I acctually walked through one of the sceneries from this film, at The Royal Naval University in Greenwich last October.)
Monday 15th sept:
Daniel, poor thing, had to go off early for work. Sevda and I did not! We ate some toast and an apple (presicely! I ate toast and Sevda ate the apple), and then went off to Londons Kings Cross Railwaystation to pick up my tickets for the next day. We then met with Dan at Liverpool Street Station, and had lunch at Burger King..:/
Sevda and I walked down Goodge Street, where we windowshopped at BangBang, drank hot chocholate at Starbucks, and "skimmed" through TopShop when we finally reached Regent and Oxford Street. I say "skimmed", because you would need about 3 days to look thoroughly through it all. We also stopped by Zara and House of Frasier, before we exhausted went home. After stopping by Sainsburys and the videostore, we made homemade Köfte and mashed potatoes and watched August Rush. It was commonly agreed that Jonathan Rhys Meyrs isn't exactly ugly to look at;)
Tuesday 16th sept:
It was time to move on. Literarly. Poor Sevda wasn't feeling well, so she stayed in bed that morning. Daniel and I left her behind, and travelled towards Kings Cross. I'm afraid he'll face pain for a few more days, as he carried my enormous suitcase down and up the stairs at New Cross Station. Isn't he just adorable!! Luckily for us both, the rest of the journey offered escalators or lifts. I "chased" him off to work at Aldgate, only two stops before Kings Cross, with a promise to be back in not too long (hopefully without 29kg suitcases..). When I got there the only thing to do was wait. 50 mins. later (9am) I was on my way to Edinburgh, and from there on to Aberdeen. Exited? You could say so. But not as exited as the two senior american women who wrote down practically everything they saw on the way. How sweet.
Happy birthday:D
Okey, first of all... let me just say that I should have written this days ago. Well, I didn't. But hey, better late than never, right?
As you already know, Friday12th of September was an important date. But not only was it the date of my departure; it was also one of my best friends Isabells 20th birthday!!!
WEHEY, what a birthday gift, right? Leaving her behind... (A)
So, we had to do SOMETHING to keep up the tradition.
Yvonne (my other bestfriend) and I planned yet another (...) surprise gathering. And so, thursday night all 3 of us hang out. What Isabell didn't know, was that when we went for a drive, she was in fact kidnapped. We stopped in the middle of nowhere, and gave Isabell a homemade Rebus to solve. The answer led us to one location, where she was given a new one. The last one led straight (...) to the gigantic tent, which Yvonne and I had stuffet with cusions, blankets and lots of snacks and a birthdaycake, in my backgarden.
Candles were blown, sangs were sung, games were played, rumors were spread, and in the weeee hours of september the 12th 2008, we all fell a sleep in our alkoves. Some more royal than others...

For more pictures from the event, please see
Yvonnes blog: Living like life's going out of style!
As you already know, Friday12th of September was an important date. But not only was it the date of my departure; it was also one of my best friends Isabells 20th birthday!!!
WEHEY, what a birthday gift, right? Leaving her behind... (A)
So, we had to do SOMETHING to keep up the tradition.
Yvonne (my other bestfriend) and I planned yet another (...) surprise gathering. And so, thursday night all 3 of us hang out. What Isabell didn't know, was that when we went for a drive, she was in fact kidnapped. We stopped in the middle of nowhere, and gave Isabell a homemade Rebus to solve. The answer led us to one location, where she was given a new one. The last one led straight (...) to the gigantic tent, which Yvonne and I had stuffet with cusions, blankets and lots of snacks and a birthdaycake, in my backgarden.
Candles were blown, sangs were sung, games were played, rumors were spread, and in the weeee hours of september the 12th 2008, we all fell a sleep in our alkoves. Some more royal than others...

For more pictures from the event, please see
Yvonnes blog: Living like life's going out of style!
Friday, 12 September 2008
On the move...
Today's the day. THE day. At 6.45pm my flight goes from Vigra to London. And I don't even have a return ticket... Wæææææ!
But it doesn't stop there. OH NO... Cause I attend to go further. All the way up to Aberdeen. Not until tuesday, though. By train this time. Still.....Wææææææ.
What's going on, you ask?
I've been accepted. At MSc Instrumental Analytical Science at the Robert Gordon University.
Good Luck to me.
ps... that's why I decided to do it in english this time. I need the practice. Besides, you'd be surprised to find out how few who speaks norwegian out there!
But it doesn't stop there. OH NO... Cause I attend to go further. All the way up to Aberdeen. Not until tuesday, though. By train this time. Still.....Wææææææ.
What's going on, you ask?
I've been accepted. At MSc Instrumental Analytical Science at the Robert Gordon University.
Good Luck to me.
ps... that's why I decided to do it in english this time. I need the practice. Besides, you'd be surprised to find out how few who speaks norwegian out there!
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