Friday, 30 January 2009
A Birthday Wish
Yea, yea, I know it's still 9 months till my birthday... But, just to be kind and let you know well in advance.. When the time comes; THIS IS WHAT I WANT:

Monday, 26 January 2009
Cleansing Newsflash...
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Bad timing on Facebook
Facebook pretty much rules my life. Not in a bad way, though, I like to think I'm in control of my own life... It is however a magnificent place to keep in touch with friends and family, and maybe even start a few new ones;) Anyway, let's not get carried away here.
What I wanted to share with you guys is Facebook's interpretation of time as we know it. We live in "the now", we finished "the past" and we wait for "the future". It is therefor NOT possible to do something in the future now. Once it is done, it has moved on to the past. Confused?
I realised this when I just a while ago wrote something on someones wall. As all users of Facebook know, when your comment has been posted there first is a "Date," and then a sentence saying i.e. "Karoline wrote at 12.33am". Only problem is, it said "Tomorrow: Karoline wrote at 12.33am".
1. WHAT? How do you know what I will do tomorrow? It's not like Facebook can predict fate?
2. Back to what I said earlier about past and future. After posting it, I had already written it. As far as I know, today is today and not tomorrow. It almost felt like traveling back in time... (at least that's what I think it must feel like)
I know, I know.. chances are you lost me halfway through the second paragraph. Unless you study psycology or watch "Big Bang Theory" every night, you probably think I need professional help. But hey, don't blame me, blame Facebook. It needs a lesson on time!
After writing this, I went back into Facebook just to double check. Somewhere in between it must have heard me thinking, cause "Tomorrow" had been changed til "Today". Phew. At least Facebook and I have that in common: better late than never;)
Nite xx
What I wanted to share with you guys is Facebook's interpretation of time as we know it. We live in "the now", we finished "the past" and we wait for "the future". It is therefor NOT possible to do something in the future now. Once it is done, it has moved on to the past. Confused?
I realised this when I just a while ago wrote something on someones wall. As all users of Facebook know, when your comment has been posted there first is a "Date," and then a sentence saying i.e. "Karoline wrote at 12.33am". Only problem is, it said "Tomorrow: Karoline wrote at 12.33am".
1. WHAT? How do you know what I will do tomorrow? It's not like Facebook can predict fate?
2. Back to what I said earlier about past and future. After posting it, I had already written it. As far as I know, today is today and not tomorrow. It almost felt like traveling back in time... (at least that's what I think it must feel like)
I know, I know.. chances are you lost me halfway through the second paragraph. Unless you study psycology or watch "Big Bang Theory" every night, you probably think I need professional help. But hey, don't blame me, blame Facebook. It needs a lesson on time!
After writing this, I went back into Facebook just to double check. Somewhere in between it must have heard me thinking, cause "Tomorrow" had been changed til "Today". Phew. At least Facebook and I have that in common: better late than never;)
Nite xx
Friday, 23 January 2009
I promised you an update... and here it is:

We arrived at the crime scene at 09.30am, where there had been a drug-related murder. That means stabbed body on the floor. Surprisingly little blood on the floor after bleeding to death though, even though the knife was ENORMOUS! Had to ask for the biggest evidence box.. and even that didn't fit!
We swetted, we stressed, we fingerprinted and photographed, we bagged and we filled in forms, and I even had to chase of two intruders who suddenly stood in the middle of the room and wanted to know what was happening (let me just say, my dear lab-teachers John and Kirsten are NOT my favourites any more:( that was mean!! but they were questioned and photographed and wandered happily away after a while.) When we took down the "Do-not-cross"-corden, we knew there were so much more we should have gotten done, but what else can you do when your Chief Inspecter commands you to shut down cause he wants to go for lunch...
Conclusion: we had a blast, and considering it was the very first time we have investigated a crime scene, racing against the clock as well, I think we did good. But BOY do those fibers that we had to leave behind enoy me...
Oh yeah, one more advice... When wearing an investigation suit.. wear as little as possible underneath. I almost turned into a pond in there... Gasping for air behind that icky mask:p
We arrived at the crime scene at 09.30am, where there had been a drug-related murder. That means stabbed body on the floor. Surprisingly little blood on the floor after bleeding to death though, even though the knife was ENORMOUS! Had to ask for the biggest evidence box.. and even that didn't fit!
We swetted, we stressed, we fingerprinted and photographed, we bagged and we filled in forms, and I even had to chase of two intruders who suddenly stood in the middle of the room and wanted to know what was happening (let me just say, my dear lab-teachers John and Kirsten are NOT my favourites any more:( that was mean!! but they were questioned and photographed and wandered happily away after a while.) When we took down the "Do-not-cross"-corden, we knew there were so much more we should have gotten done, but what else can you do when your Chief Inspecter commands you to shut down cause he wants to go for lunch...
Conclusion: we had a blast, and considering it was the very first time we have investigated a crime scene, racing against the clock as well, I think we did good. But BOY do those fibers that we had to leave behind enoy me...
Oh yeah, one more advice... When wearing an investigation suit.. wear as little as possible underneath. I almost turned into a pond in there... Gasping for air behind that icky mask:p
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
P.S. I Love You

I have finally managed to sit down and watch this beautiful film all the way through; this film that touches me so deeply that I have only seen bits and pieces earlier.
It makes me smile, it makes me cry, it makes me laugh and it makes me hurt inside. No, not only because of Gerard Butler, and the fact that I might be a little jealous of Hilary Swank (okey, fine.. VERY jealous), but because it (also) shows how fragile we are and how little we know of tomorrow. Even though memories and contemplation are necessary, we still need to gather our inner strength to keep life going.
(so is bringing a tissue...)
(so is bringing a tissue...)
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
And I Quote...
My list of Quotes (somewhere on the right) has been updated with not only one, but TWO quotes. They belong to Isabell and easyJet airlines. Check it out!!
Friday, 16 January 2009
Goodbye oh, gruesome semester ...
Laughter. Wild, with a bit of sarcasm in it. It has been surpressed for so long it's almost hard to let go. With it goes all the frustration and dispare that has been building up for the last weeks. No, the last months. That constant ache and pressure in my head feels weaker somehow. Almost as if "it" is exhausted as well; feeling sympathic for my tired, yet faithful eyes. In a while some time will be needed to sort all these thoughts out. Seperate reality from imagination. Chromatography from Spectroscopy. Different types of lenses and microscopes. Reagents and calculations. Precision, accuracy and quality controls. Those small functions in a dataprogram that makes everything so much easier. It's all to be processed, categoriesed and stored for a later occasion, so that my head won't feel as crowded. In a while, though. Soon. Not yet. First I need some time to let it all sink in. Accept the fact that I don't have to feel guilty anymore. For watching a film. For talking to friends. For sleeping. Accept the fact that I survived this first semester. Accept my choices and decisions. My past and future. Laughter. Blessed this time. Ready to start anew.
Monday, 12 January 2009
Separation Coursework: FORENSICS

You have been provided with a published paper "Racemization of aspartic acid from human dentin in the estimation of chronological age".
Imagine you are going to use this paper as the basis for similar work which may be carried out in your laboratory on approximately 500 human remains recovered many months after a natural disaster.
Three laboratories, including yours, have been given the opportunity of obtaining a grant to do this. In an effort to convince the financing board that your laboratory should be the one awarded the grand you should provide a technical report which:
- provides a detailed summary of the chromatographic technique that has been used
- stipulates how many and which teeth are required
- states the approximate cost of the equipment, standards and running materials
- indicates the cost, skill and number of personnel required
- describes and critically evaluates the procedures you would follow to achieve the most accurate and precise data.
Please bear in mind that you are trying to convince a financing board that you know what you are doing and that you will be able to carry out the work fullly withing the budget that you ask for.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Happy New Year:D
It's been a while since I last wrote something... Some exams have passed, and some are still to come. I've been a trip down to London to see Danny and Sevda, and I've been at home in Norway for Christmas. I'll tell you all about it, and even include som photos, just let me finish this next week:S
So before going to bed, I just want to share a ... story/joke (in norwegian) with you.. A conversation between God and Eva that has been confidential, until recently;)
Eva henvendte seg til Gud og sa: Jeg har et problem!
Gud ser på henne og spør hva det gjelder.
"Kjære Gud, jeg vet at du har gitt meg alt jeg har bruk for. Denne vidunderlige hagen, fylt med vakre dyr, selv den komiske slangen. Men jeg er fremdeles ikke helt fornøyd, det er som om noe mangler. Jeg føler meg ensom, og dessuten er jeg drittlei av å spise epler hele tiden..."
Gud ser på Eva og sier "Greit, jeg har en løsning på problemet dit. Jeg skaper en mann til deg!"
"En mann, hva er det?" spør Eva.
"En ufullkommen skapning, med mange feil og dårlige vaner. Han kommer til å lyve for deg, overdrive og skryte. Han vil være tåpelig og oppføre seg som et barn. Han vil være større enn deg og han elsker å sloss, jage og slå ihjel! Han kommer ikke til å være særlig klok, så han vil få bruk for dine råd, for å kunne gjøre ting riktig. Han vil komme til å ha en meget begrenset følelsemessig grense og han vil trenge å bli trent opp. Dessuten vil han se dum ut når han våkner om morgenen. Men siden du nå først har klaget, så skal jeg skape han på en slik måte at han kan tilfredsstille dine fysiske behov, og du vil nok aldri mer kjede deg igjen;)"
"Det høres jo fint ut" svarte Eva.
"Men der er en liten ting til, fortsetter Gud, Du kan kun få ham på EN betingelse" "Og hva er så det?" spør Eva.
"Jo, han kommer til å være arrogant og selvglad, så du blir nok nødt til å la ham tro at jeg skapte ham først!!! Og så kan det være min og din lille hemmelighet....du vet.. oss kvinner imellom:D"
Nite xxx
So before going to bed, I just want to share a ... story/joke (in norwegian) with you.. A conversation between God and Eva that has been confidential, until recently;)
Eva henvendte seg til Gud og sa: Jeg har et problem!
Gud ser på henne og spør hva det gjelder.
"Kjære Gud, jeg vet at du har gitt meg alt jeg har bruk for. Denne vidunderlige hagen, fylt med vakre dyr, selv den komiske slangen. Men jeg er fremdeles ikke helt fornøyd, det er som om noe mangler. Jeg føler meg ensom, og dessuten er jeg drittlei av å spise epler hele tiden..."
Gud ser på Eva og sier "Greit, jeg har en løsning på problemet dit. Jeg skaper en mann til deg!"
"En mann, hva er det?" spør Eva.
"En ufullkommen skapning, med mange feil og dårlige vaner. Han kommer til å lyve for deg, overdrive og skryte. Han vil være tåpelig og oppføre seg som et barn. Han vil være større enn deg og han elsker å sloss, jage og slå ihjel! Han kommer ikke til å være særlig klok, så han vil få bruk for dine råd, for å kunne gjøre ting riktig. Han vil komme til å ha en meget begrenset følelsemessig grense og han vil trenge å bli trent opp. Dessuten vil han se dum ut når han våkner om morgenen. Men siden du nå først har klaget, så skal jeg skape han på en slik måte at han kan tilfredsstille dine fysiske behov, og du vil nok aldri mer kjede deg igjen;)"
"Det høres jo fint ut" svarte Eva.
"Men der er en liten ting til, fortsetter Gud, Du kan kun få ham på EN betingelse" "Og hva er så det?" spør Eva.
"Jo, han kommer til å være arrogant og selvglad, så du blir nok nødt til å la ham tro at jeg skapte ham først!!! Og så kan det være min og din lille hemmelighet....du vet.. oss kvinner imellom:D"
Nite xxx
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