William, my little sweeeetie... And he smiles everytime I pick up the camera!

Starbucks; where we often go to drink coffee, chill out or study. Here with Amrit.

I know you've probably seen this one before, but I'm still showing it again. KIND'A COOL, huh?

We had a plant. During christmas most of it died:(

Me and the irish at Big'Dave's valentines/birthday-flatparty (see videos at the end...)

Me and Bettyyyyy

Betty, some guy, and littl'Dave. Now, I know this is a staged photo, but are you even old enough to HOLD that bottle of wine, Dave?

Greg the multi-task-man. Not everyone can drink beer, hug a girl AND tie his shoe at the same time. Almost impressed!

Risk - The World Conquerer
Betty and Greg. Bestfriends for life:)

Hazel preparing for Forensic Examination. Even bleeching tables requires some skill!!

Me after fingerprinting all day... Clean as always! Oh, and did I mention that i wore a mask while dusting??

My two suitcases are never far off... So be aware;)

Amrit having a footbath;)

Sexy Betty at Amrits Valentine's-party!!

Another photo of me and Betty. Aren't we cute?

And another one of me and Rob, trying to put his thumb in my mouth? (I might need backing up on this one!! ;)

Suicide-bunny and Pinky-Cash at the nightstand.

Half of the Dutch-mafia...

Mickey Mascot:D
Well, well... Those were a few glimpses into our thrilling (...) life here in Aberdeen. To finish off this post, I'd like to show you two videos I just "happened" to get a hold of;) Enjoy! Big'Dave dancing Riverdance.... those irish, what can I say? (Unfortunately, I had the IQ to turn this clip 90'degrees around... :)
OBS! Some in-appropriate language in this next one!
And Big'Dave anouncing all the Februar-birthdays in the room (my apologies for him not being 100% sober), INCLUDIG Betty's, who we ended up singing to. Me and Betty (and Rob?) found it extreamly funny, as Betty's real birthday happens to be 5th of October...
So, Happy Birthday to ALL OF YOU!!!