At the end of each month, I normally empty out my memorycard, and try to go through the photos. February didn't have too many, but here are a handful for you to see.

When Betty is sick of studyin in her own room, I let her use mine!

Miss Norway 2009?

During one of our study-sessions, I happened to glance over at Betty... and saw this. Just had to be caught on tape! <3

One evening when we were sitting in the kitchen, Matt came strolling in, acting like normal. Thankfully, I had my camera near by! Priceless!!! (let me reassure you, he was going to a "dress however you like"-party... this is not his everyday-wear...)

After Matt twisted his ancle, Rob and I had some fun with his crotches... As a fysiotherapist-student, Rob showed me the "correct technique", even with the "white-sock-effect". Haha!

Roomparties in 18F are not unusual...

Opening bottles of wine is not always as easy as it looks. Could this be an irish thing?

Big'Dave in a happy mood!

Last weekend I had Alessio over for Sunday-dinner. My chicken-stu was quickly approved by the all-eating Italian;)

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of Alessio laying on the sofa "helping" out with the cooking, but at least he finished his Cranberry juice. (Later, he told me he's allergic to cranberries, but that he would live. Uhm, better late than sorry?)

Strike a pose:)

Friday we had a charity-arrangement with the BrassBand. We did horse-racing, and my horse Krazy Karoline came 3rd (out of 5..). Spinning the barrel that pulled the wooden horses wasn't the easiest thing I've done. As the photo shows, I fought hard!

Not as hard as others though, who actually had to shed some blod:O
Almighty had fun playing with my camera....

...but wasn't too thrilled to have his own photo taken.
Sorry to say I don't have any photos of us doing the race:(
Right, that's most of February and a sneak-preview of March. The rest of my life mainly consists of studying, which really isn't all that exiting. So I'll spare you for any photos of that:D