Sunday, 29 March 2009


After a longer discussion at the cinema regarding WHY my cup had a more fancy writing than Benjamin's, I tried ending the conversation with a diplomatic and satifying answer; saying that fortunately, our drinks tasted the same no matter the design of the cup.

To which the 10'year old by my side took a few seconds to think and then replied: "Ehm, how? 'Cause you have Sprite and I have Fanta!!!"


Saturday, 28 March 2009


"Gourment Organic Pizzas: What on earth"

"GM Crops. For a while, we were thinking what's a big motor company doing growing vegetables? Then Alfonso, our farmer friend from Italy enlightened us. As we don't want to see three billed ducks waddling around, we use ingredients that are 100% GM free and as organic as possible. That said... If a certain motor company wanted to invest in a little pizza company and organic veggies, our number is 0207 7204410."

"To cook, get rid of all the packaging and place in your pre-heated oven at 200*C for between 8-12 minutes, that's 8-12 minutes to ponder important things, get the salad ready, feed the cat or hunt for the remote control."


Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Alessio vs. Rihanna

I am proud (...) to present to you: Alessio Domenico Panzica.

Remember me when you get famous, Alessio. After all, it all my bed...?:p (i know what you're all thinking.. but i ment literarly. Check out the video!!)

Then again... maybe don't mention me too much afterall:s No Offence........

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Why, what and where?

As serious students we often have interesting, academic and political correct discussions when drinking tea. Two of the questions we keep coming back to (at least our irish does..) are these:

1. Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? No you haven't. Tell me where the babies are!! Are they like those £1 gloves at Primark : 1 size only? But how does an adult sized baby fit inside the egg... They simply don't exist. If you've ever seen a smaller sized pigeon, you either need glasses or it was a dwarf-pigeon. WHERE ARE THE F* BABY PIGEONS???

2. Where do all the birds go to die??? Seriously... you might have seen a couple hit by cars or taken by other animals... But think about it. There are a LOT of birds. Aberdeen has got 5 seaguls per human, or something like that... WHERE DO THEY ALL GO TO DIE? Is there some sort of bird-retirehome we don't know about? With a private bird-cemetary? Or do they just fall into the sea. And if they do, how do they know when to be above the sea since they are about to die? Is that a death-instinct or are they suicidal? or even kamikaaze-birds?

(hey, I did not create the questions....)

You have no idea about the extent these discussions of ours can reach. There are always new points of view to consider, and always new questions to be answered. And there is always, ALWAYS an excuse to have a good cup'a tea;)

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Internal Quality Control

Haha, check out this one.. I stole it from one of the labs in Norway where I used to work, and translated it into english.

Nite xx

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Yesterday was Patty's day, the Irish "national day". Everyone was wearing green, funny hats and clovers are accepted, and the phrase "my lepricorn told me to do it" was spotted on a certain irish guys clover-filled t-shirt.

Even funnier was it that all the pubs and clubs were playing irish music and for once the amerature riverdance that most of us only try in private just had to be tried in public.

As most others, I spent the evening in an irish pub (after mailing craig my witness-report, only 5 hours late..) and attending brass-rehearsal in Westhill) with my mates. And even though I normally don't drink beer, it's kind of mandatory on such a day. So there I was.. a norwegian girl in Scotland, serounded by crowds of wanna-be irishs, wearing my silly hat and drinking Guinnes (at least I had some sips of it..), singing along on the riverdance songs. Good fun, good fun.

Matt aka. The Clover:)

Matt and Denis had a great night;)
Hazel, my partner in crime:D

Luca.. WHAT are you doing?
Haha, and then you have me, "pretending" to like the Guiness... I failed.

Now, while most of us only had that ONE beer, and went home at midnight, the true irishs started the real celebrations. Nae celebration tis mornin tho, eh Rob?? ;);)

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Spot the BLUNDER 2!!

It's getting late, and I'm still working on my witness report for tomorrow. And as most students would know, something to eat while studying is never a bad thing. I had just finished my 3rd chocolate filled bun, when I happened to glimse at the packaging. After working with our casefile for the last weeks, I have developed an eye for dates.. so, what can I say... Can you spot the blunder?

Monday, 9 March 2009

Spot the BLUNDER;)

Haha, this is another one of those "too good to let go"-moments.

Rob came home one day, all exited cause their Gaelic Footballteam had finally gotten their sportgear. There was only ONE problem.
Can you tell what it is???

(I'll give you a hint... Rob is Irish.. and plays Irish Gaelic Football.....)

What's on my camera?

At the end of each month, I normally empty out my memorycard, and try to go through the photos. February didn't have too many, but here are a handful for you to see.

When Betty is sick of studyin in her own room, I let her use mine!

Miss Norway 2009?

During one of our study-sessions, I happened to glance over at Betty... and saw this. Just had to be caught on tape! <3

One evening when we were sitting in the kitchen, Matt came strolling in, acting like normal. Thankfully, I had my camera near by! Priceless!!! (let me reassure you, he was going to a "dress however you like"-party... this is not his everyday-wear...)

After Matt twisted his ancle, Rob and I had some fun with his crotches... As a fysiotherapist-student, Rob showed me the "correct technique", even with the "white-sock-effect". Haha!

Roomparties in 18F are not unusual...

Opening bottles of wine is not always as easy as it looks. Could this be an irish thing?

Big'Dave in a happy mood!

Last weekend I had Alessio over for Sunday-dinner. My chicken-stu was quickly approved by the all-eating Italian;)

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of Alessio laying on the sofa "helping" out with the cooking, but at least he finished his Cranberry juice. (Later, he told me he's allergic to cranberries, but that he would live. Uhm, better late than sorry?)

Strike a pose:)

Friday we had a charity-arrangement with the BrassBand. We did horse-racing, and my horse Krazy Karoline came 3rd (out of 5..). Spinning the barrel that pulled the wooden horses wasn't the easiest thing I've done. As the photo shows, I fought hard!

Not as hard as others though, who actually had to shed some blod:O

Almighty had fun playing with my camera....

...but wasn't too thrilled to have his own photo taken.

Sorry to say I don't have any photos of us doing the race:(

Right, that's most of February and a sneak-preview of March. The rest of my life mainly consists of studying, which really isn't all that exiting. So I'll spare you for any photos of that:D

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Cute, Cuter, Cutest

I don't care if you're a 8-year old girl with pink butterflies in your hair, or if you're a strong, macho man who carries a gun. These photos will make you smile anyway!


Look at these two last ones... I'm speachless! Me want:)