Saturday 29 November 2008

Adapting Quality Assurance

It's almost 1am, and I'm actually studying... No, it's true! I really am... Been babysitting since about 6.30pm, and figured I could just as well benefit from staying awake and being bored.

We're (amongst loads of other things) doing a coursework in QA, where we are to convince the laboratory management in a lab to grant £1000 to adapt Quality Assurance. Easy peasy... Until you sit with your finger on the keyboard and think "soo, where do I start".. Been at that stage for more than a week now, hopefully it'll loosen up soon. All I know is that ISO 17025 is my fav. standard.

So, if you want to learn more about quality systems and standard manuals, why don't you study this one for a while......

Thursday 27 November 2008

Chocolate chip cookies

200g romtemperert smoer
250g brunt sukker
200g vanlig sukker
4 egg
2ts vaniljesukker
300g havremel
4 ss hvetemel
3ts natron
800g hakket sjokolade
250g grovhakkede hasselnoetter

Slik gjoer du:
Roer sammen smoer og sukker og bland inn eggene ett og ett. Bland inn de toerre ingridiensene (ogsaa sjokolade og hasselnoetter).
Bruk en isskje eller en stor spiseskje til aa forme jevnstor boller. Sett bollenemed god avstand paa bakepapir, kjeksene vil flyte ut under steking. StStek i ca. 10/12 minutter, ved 180*C. Avkjoel paa brettet, og flytt saa over paa rist. Oppbevares toert og kjoelig.

Enjoy Issa <3

Funny Gadgets I might.... need?

Just thought I'd inform you about my new list of "needable" gadgets... You'll find it further down on the right side:)

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Forensic Wednesday

Suspected rape


Early Saturday morning, 06:22

At victims house
Suspect brought wine to celebrate birthday. Possibly spiked, as victim got "overly" drunk after having one glass. Can only remember having hands tied together.

Suspect confronten and iterrogated. House searched for evidence.

-Clothings ciesed from laundry: Black cord trousers, dark navy underwear, white/blue shirt. Match victims descriptions.
-Blue, synthetic rope found hidden in kitchen. Looks dirty, could have been used to tie hands.
-Unmarked 32ml glass containing 12 tablets also found. Ciesed for comparison with bloodsamples, possibly used to spike wine?

Item nr. KV001 - Black cord trousers.

Item nr. KV002 - Blue/white shirt.

Item nr. KV003 - navy blue underwear.

Item nr. KV004 - Blue rope.

Item nr. 005 - Unknown tablets in glass.

Item nr. KV006 - Saliva sample for DNA collected from suspect.

Item nr. KV001 (Trousers): Packed in brown paper evidence-bag, sent to lab for fiber analysis.
Item nr. KV002 (Shirt): Packed in brown paper evidence-bag, sent to lab for fiber analysis.
Item nr. KV003 (Underwear): Packed in brown paper evidence-bag, sent to lab for fiber analysis.
Item nr. KV004 (Rope): Packed in brown paper evidene-bag, to avvoid decomposition of biological evidence. To be frozen within 2 hours. Sent to lab for DNA analysis.
Item nr. KV005 (Glass with unknown tablets): Packed in plastic evidence-bag. Sent to toxicology lab for drug screening.
Item nr. KV006 (Saliva sapmle): Sample collected from suspect with swab. Packed in sealed container, sent in plastic evidence-bag to lab for DNA analysis.

Collection swab used for saliva/DNA.

Plastic/Polythen evidence bag. For non-biological material.
Brown paper evidence bag. For biological material, fabrics etc.
All evidence-bags to be sealed according to protocol, initials on tapeboarders to prevent liftings. Lists of productions created and signed.
No actual crime happened in this exersize. All names, adresses, times/dates were fictional. Suspects photograph from anonymous volunteer, synthetic saliva used for sampling.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Malin Aurora 15 <3

Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest girls I know!!!
I can't believe you're actually 15... I feel like an old aunt:( BUT, I'm not, I'm the best, right? .. Right??

So, many happy thoughts and best wishes on your day, even though I did phone you up just after midnight.

Søta <3

Sunday 23 November 2008

Comment, please....

Okey, here's the new rule.
If you enter this blog, you're entitled to leave a comment. Doesn't have to be much... A simple Hello, or your opinion about the post would be great!
That way I know that you excist:)

So.. GO ON!! Leave a comment.. You know you want to;p


Friday 21 November 2008


Early in the morning, on the 21st of November, the first snowflake fell in Aberdeen.

What started as a dark sky with a ray of light, was soon turned into a swirl of snow. But the temperature's not low enough. Most of the flakes never even hit the ground. From time to time throughout the day a thin layer of white could be seen on the roads, but wind and rain made it all less pleasant.

At 6pm the snow was just deep enough to make snowballs, and with cristmas lights up everywhere that old Yuletide feeling is just around the corner:)

Almost feels like home....

Thursday 20 November 2008

I wouldn't mind...

So, what do you get if you combine Scotland with acting? Something pretty close to gorgeous Gerard Butler, known from Phantom of the Opera, Laura Croft: Tomb Raider, 300 and Rock'nRolla.

How handsome can you possibly be?? And that accent makes me drooool. Wouldn't take me very long to say "I DO".



Wednesday 19 November 2008

Scottish Open Brass Band

On the 29th of November we're going to Perth to take part in the Scottish Open contest!!

The Bon-Accord Silver B-Brass Band has worked hard, with up to 3 rehersals every week the last month, and as the date gets closer, conductor Bruce gets even more frustrated...

Not even Bruce Almighty can sort us out! But we try our best, and I'm guessing it'll turn out pretty decent at the end.

So, since I've never been to Perth, I thought I'd do a quick Google just for the sake of it. It didn't take me very long to realise that something was way off with my geography... I had ended up in Perth, Australia:

So this is where we're NOT going...

This however..

..seems a bit more Scottish.

And apperantly this.. the Perth Concert Hall where the Scottish Open will be held.

Which again means that we'll be performing on THIS stage:

Not able to come along? Your loss... :D

Tea & Chocolate

Time to go to bed...

Rob and I have had tea and Norwegian chocolate (kindly brought to me by Tommy), and even though it's getting colder outside, nothing warms up like radiators, candles and a little "early" christmas music.

Made for the occasion;)

Nighty night xxx

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Award <3

Yey... my dear, sweet and appriciated *loved one, part 1/2* gave me this award. How nice that you like my blog, still, the *yey* was ment to sound sarcastic. This is like those chain-letters that went around the world every so often when we were younger...

But, hey... I'll take the challange.. though I've shorten it to nominating 3 others. Besides, I won't bother giving it to anyone who's already recieved it. Wouldn't be fair..

And the Rrrrulez are:
1. The nominated upload the picture in his/hers blog.
2. Link to the person you recieved it from.
3. Nominate 3 other bloggers.
4. Link them as well...
5. Leave a msg on the nominees blog.

And the nominees are........... (Drumroles please):
Andrea, Bente and Randi.


Thursday 6 November 2008

Quote of the Day!

Notice my newly added Gadget, further down at the right.
Say something memorable, and I'll put it there!!