Monday, 6 October 2008

My Daily Horoscope!

Today I was inspired by Malin, who wrote about her horoscope. So I figured that I might as well do that too. Here goes; my daily horoscope..

"You can choose if you want to take the lead and thereby also take the responsibility, or if you just want to follow."

So... for some of you, that might mean something;) For others it won't.

And when that is said, tonight I've learned to write my name in Persian AND Arabic. I don't know how to show you here, but I do know this:

شب بخیر . فردا می‌بینمت
نمی‌توانم خوب انگلیسی حرف بزنم, ببخشید
چطورید, سلام

Nighty night;D


Isabell said...

Hehahea! ej skjønna;) så kooooslig <3

Yvonne Elida said...

Hihihhhh, Det passa jo braa da xD
