Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest girls I know!!! I can't believe you're actually 15... I feel like an old aunt:( BUT, I'm not, I'm the best, right? .. Right??
So, many happy thoughts and best wishes on your day, even though I did phone you up just after midnight.
Betty Koomen: "It's a system...It allows your pancake to breathe!!"
Isabell Strand: "...men skal jeg legge alle kort på bordet så kunne jeg drept meitemark med stemmen min!"
easyJet: "When the seatbelt light is switched off, you may walk freely around the aircraft, and perhaps change your seat next to someone a bit more attractive!!"
Hanna Marie Volle: "O Salige Kyr"
Yvonne Breivik: "Spaghettisausen smakte ikke vondt, men var heller ikke noe å klaske ræva i taket for!"
Rob Delaney: "Okey, I'm gonna watch ONE more episode, and then I'm going to bed..."
Ann Low: "I know you think I'm a total Witch, but I'm doing this because I love you..."
Ian Tough: "Never mind the dead body on the floor. It's the angle of the CHAIR we're interested in!!" ...
Bruce Wallace: "YES! That's the way it should sound! Like Jinglebells and BrusselSprouts!!!" ...
For et fint bilde!:)
aaaaew, so søtt :D tusen takk <3 joda, du e den beste tanta ;)
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