Sunday, 22 March 2009

Why, what and where?

As serious students we often have interesting, academic and political correct discussions when drinking tea. Two of the questions we keep coming back to (at least our irish does..) are these:

1. Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? No you haven't. Tell me where the babies are!! Are they like those £1 gloves at Primark : 1 size only? But how does an adult sized baby fit inside the egg... They simply don't exist. If you've ever seen a smaller sized pigeon, you either need glasses or it was a dwarf-pigeon. WHERE ARE THE F* BABY PIGEONS???

2. Where do all the birds go to die??? Seriously... you might have seen a couple hit by cars or taken by other animals... But think about it. There are a LOT of birds. Aberdeen has got 5 seaguls per human, or something like that... WHERE DO THEY ALL GO TO DIE? Is there some sort of bird-retirehome we don't know about? With a private bird-cemetary? Or do they just fall into the sea. And if they do, how do they know when to be above the sea since they are about to die? Is that a death-instinct or are they suicidal? or even kamikaaze-birds?

(hey, I did not create the questions....)

You have no idea about the extent these discussions of ours can reach. There are always new points of view to consider, and always new questions to be answered. And there is always, ALWAYS an excuse to have a good cup'a tea;)


Malin Aurora Valkvæ said...

Dokke e so serriøse må ej sei :D

Yvonne Elida said...

Ej å tante Randi diskuterte ditte på jobben idag:

1. Due-onga lære ikkje å flyge før dei e ganske store, å da ser ikkje du forskjell på dei å foreldra. Før det henge dei bere i reira å chilla.

2. Måsa blir senile å stikke på sjøn å vasa sej inn i fiskegarn, eller flyge på ting å dauda.

Mysteries Solved!


Anonymous said...

Huska du ikkje due reiret på altanen hvor jeg bodde i bya???? Der Chilla dei, så Yvonne så flott sier-heilt til dei e tenåringsduer. Og da ser du nesten ikkje forskjell på dei og dei voksne.
Måsane har heldigvis vett til å gjømme seg vekk nårdei begynner å bli dårlig. Bra dei ikkje blir senil og flaksa rundt. Synd om dei får hjertestans i lufta... bombadert :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha... takk for forslag/fasit. ska sende beskjeden videre til den irske filosofen...haha.

Fekk hakeslepp når ej fekk mail om at DU hadde kommentert, vibbe!! KLAPP KLAPP:D