Thursday, 11 December 2008


It's late... a large amount of coffee, water and whatever i can find in our cupboards are helping me stay awake. Turns out, I really need to do some revising... I have an exam tomorrow from 2-5pm, and let's just say I thought I knew it all.. HAH.. think again!

But I'm getting there, and at least I won't panic quite as much tomorrow:p It's actually quiet everywhere and that's RARE here at Woolmanhill. Probably won't last for long.. never does.

Nite xxx

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Two tomatoes....

You know that joke about the tomatoes? In norwegian it goes like this:
"To tomater gikk over en vei, å så ble den ene overkjørt. Den andre snudde seg og sa, kom igjen ketchup!" HAHA... did you get it? sqeezed tomato? --> ketchup? yeah yeah... it's funny when you're 10.

BUT!! here's the thing. You didn't get it! I didn't either, until resently. Cause the main point gets lost in the translation... you need to LISTEN to the pronounciation...

"Two tomatoes crossed a road, when one on them was hit by a car. The other one turned around and said, Come on.. Catch up!"


Tuesday, 9 December 2008

If you ever owned a cat...

I spent most of the day in the Silent Studyhall at St.Andrews, and as i got more and more aware of how much I actually have left on my coursework, i got more and more depressed. It turned into one of those days when you just want to go "screw this, I quit". Being homesick and ready for christmas didn't help.

Then, my very fondly appriciated and beloved friend Vidar came online. Gave me cheerful hugs and prayers, and showed me this.... what can i say? He made my day..

Ofcourse... I spent 10min giggeling in the SILENT studyhall, but at least I'm still a student:D


Monday, 8 December 2008



Saturday, 6 December 2008

Share my pain!

Woke up this morning looking like this:

I won't tell you the whole story behind it all, but it's got something to do with high heals and getting out of cars.. haha. .

Let's just say that I've been officially BRUISED... (A)

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Dressed in white...

If you know me, then you know that white and I don't go very well together. Somehow, I never manage to stay clean for very long... So I suppose it's a bit ironic that I've chosen a profession where white seems to be "in".

In 4 years, I've gone from wearing this:

To this:

I've even tried these to:

(okey, I haven't had a stetoscope around my neck, but I have worn the green clothes in surgery)

And now, just when you think that things can't get much more whiter, I LOOK LIKE THIS:

Bright n' white, if I may say so myself.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Christmas Tree

This Sunday, being the first Sunday in Advent, the lights on the Norwegian Tree was lit at Castle Gate. Starting with a small service, we heard christmas readings from the Bible in Norwegian, Scottish and Gaælic! The Salvation Army played, we sang charols and after the lights were lit (may I say TWICE..) marsipan-pigs were handed out. Put me in the right mood for sure....

So, only one thing to say i suppose... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Adapting Quality Assurance

It's almost 1am, and I'm actually studying... No, it's true! I really am... Been babysitting since about 6.30pm, and figured I could just as well benefit from staying awake and being bored.

We're (amongst loads of other things) doing a coursework in QA, where we are to convince the laboratory management in a lab to grant £1000 to adapt Quality Assurance. Easy peasy... Until you sit with your finger on the keyboard and think "soo, where do I start".. Been at that stage for more than a week now, hopefully it'll loosen up soon. All I know is that ISO 17025 is my fav. standard.

So, if you want to learn more about quality systems and standard manuals, why don't you study this one for a while......

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Chocolate chip cookies

200g romtemperert smoer
250g brunt sukker
200g vanlig sukker
4 egg
2ts vaniljesukker
300g havremel
4 ss hvetemel
3ts natron
800g hakket sjokolade
250g grovhakkede hasselnoetter

Slik gjoer du:
Roer sammen smoer og sukker og bland inn eggene ett og ett. Bland inn de toerre ingridiensene (ogsaa sjokolade og hasselnoetter).
Bruk en isskje eller en stor spiseskje til aa forme jevnstor boller. Sett bollenemed god avstand paa bakepapir, kjeksene vil flyte ut under steking. StStek i ca. 10/12 minutter, ved 180*C. Avkjoel paa brettet, og flytt saa over paa rist. Oppbevares toert og kjoelig.

Enjoy Issa <3

Funny Gadgets I might.... need?

Just thought I'd inform you about my new list of "needable" gadgets... You'll find it further down on the right side:)

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Forensic Wednesday

Suspected rape


Early Saturday morning, 06:22

At victims house
Suspect brought wine to celebrate birthday. Possibly spiked, as victim got "overly" drunk after having one glass. Can only remember having hands tied together.

Suspect confronten and iterrogated. House searched for evidence.

-Clothings ciesed from laundry: Black cord trousers, dark navy underwear, white/blue shirt. Match victims descriptions.
-Blue, synthetic rope found hidden in kitchen. Looks dirty, could have been used to tie hands.
-Unmarked 32ml glass containing 12 tablets also found. Ciesed for comparison with bloodsamples, possibly used to spike wine?

Item nr. KV001 - Black cord trousers.

Item nr. KV002 - Blue/white shirt.

Item nr. KV003 - navy blue underwear.

Item nr. KV004 - Blue rope.

Item nr. 005 - Unknown tablets in glass.

Item nr. KV006 - Saliva sample for DNA collected from suspect.

Item nr. KV001 (Trousers): Packed in brown paper evidence-bag, sent to lab for fiber analysis.
Item nr. KV002 (Shirt): Packed in brown paper evidence-bag, sent to lab for fiber analysis.
Item nr. KV003 (Underwear): Packed in brown paper evidence-bag, sent to lab for fiber analysis.
Item nr. KV004 (Rope): Packed in brown paper evidene-bag, to avvoid decomposition of biological evidence. To be frozen within 2 hours. Sent to lab for DNA analysis.
Item nr. KV005 (Glass with unknown tablets): Packed in plastic evidence-bag. Sent to toxicology lab for drug screening.
Item nr. KV006 (Saliva sapmle): Sample collected from suspect with swab. Packed in sealed container, sent in plastic evidence-bag to lab for DNA analysis.

Collection swab used for saliva/DNA.

Plastic/Polythen evidence bag. For non-biological material.
Brown paper evidence bag. For biological material, fabrics etc.
All evidence-bags to be sealed according to protocol, initials on tapeboarders to prevent liftings. Lists of productions created and signed.
No actual crime happened in this exersize. All names, adresses, times/dates were fictional. Suspects photograph from anonymous volunteer, synthetic saliva used for sampling.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Malin Aurora 15 <3

Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest girls I know!!!
I can't believe you're actually 15... I feel like an old aunt:( BUT, I'm not, I'm the best, right? .. Right??

So, many happy thoughts and best wishes on your day, even though I did phone you up just after midnight.

Søta <3

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Comment, please....

Okey, here's the new rule.
If you enter this blog, you're entitled to leave a comment. Doesn't have to be much... A simple Hello, or your opinion about the post would be great!
That way I know that you excist:)

So.. GO ON!! Leave a comment.. You know you want to;p


Friday, 21 November 2008


Early in the morning, on the 21st of November, the first snowflake fell in Aberdeen.

What started as a dark sky with a ray of light, was soon turned into a swirl of snow. But the temperature's not low enough. Most of the flakes never even hit the ground. From time to time throughout the day a thin layer of white could be seen on the roads, but wind and rain made it all less pleasant.

At 6pm the snow was just deep enough to make snowballs, and with cristmas lights up everywhere that old Yuletide feeling is just around the corner:)

Almost feels like home....

Thursday, 20 November 2008

I wouldn't mind...

So, what do you get if you combine Scotland with acting? Something pretty close to gorgeous Gerard Butler, known from Phantom of the Opera, Laura Croft: Tomb Raider, 300 and Rock'nRolla.

How handsome can you possibly be?? And that accent makes me drooool. Wouldn't take me very long to say "I DO".



Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Scottish Open Brass Band

On the 29th of November we're going to Perth to take part in the Scottish Open contest!!

The Bon-Accord Silver B-Brass Band has worked hard, with up to 3 rehersals every week the last month, and as the date gets closer, conductor Bruce gets even more frustrated...

Not even Bruce Almighty can sort us out! But we try our best, and I'm guessing it'll turn out pretty decent at the end.

So, since I've never been to Perth, I thought I'd do a quick Google just for the sake of it. It didn't take me very long to realise that something was way off with my geography... I had ended up in Perth, Australia:

So this is where we're NOT going...

This however..

..seems a bit more Scottish.

And apperantly this.. the Perth Concert Hall where the Scottish Open will be held.

Which again means that we'll be performing on THIS stage:

Not able to come along? Your loss... :D

Tea & Chocolate

Time to go to bed...

Rob and I have had tea and Norwegian chocolate (kindly brought to me by Tommy), and even though it's getting colder outside, nothing warms up like radiators, candles and a little "early" christmas music.

Made for the occasion;)

Nighty night xxx

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Award <3

Yey... my dear, sweet and appriciated *loved one, part 1/2* gave me this award. How nice that you like my blog, still, the *yey* was ment to sound sarcastic. This is like those chain-letters that went around the world every so often when we were younger...

But, hey... I'll take the challange.. though I've shorten it to nominating 3 others. Besides, I won't bother giving it to anyone who's already recieved it. Wouldn't be fair..

And the Rrrrulez are:
1. The nominated upload the picture in his/hers blog.
2. Link to the person you recieved it from.
3. Nominate 3 other bloggers.
4. Link them as well...
5. Leave a msg on the nominees blog.

And the nominees are........... (Drumroles please):
Andrea, Bente and Randi.


Thursday, 6 November 2008

Quote of the Day!

Notice my newly added Gadget, further down at the right.
Say something memorable, and I'll put it there!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

911...How may we help you?

Okey okey.. I know the emergency number in Britain isn't 911, and we didn't actually call the police it self, BUT there sure is plenty of action in Aberdeen!!!

"Story so far....

Saturday evening I finished babysitting at around 11.30pm.
Mathias (4) and Kristian (6) are two adorable boys, who, as most bilingual children, often put english words in norwegian sentencens. "For då expload'a heile huse...."
We ate spagetti, played with Lego and watched Mr.Bean on Holiday while digging into a massive bowl of candy:p (Oh yes, babysitting can be quite hard!).
The night was a success, and they both went to sleep at 9.30, after reading a few chapters in their new Scooby Doo book.
When parents Sissel and Torleif came home, I jumped into their taxi to get home. Little did I know......

The taxidriver was VERY scottish, so we didn't do much talking. Mostly because i could barely understand every fourth word he said:) So when we stopped at a trafficlight, we both sat in silence, watching the cars driving by one the crossing road. And THEN, a yellow Sudan came speeding through, almost sideways, on two wheels (uhm.. might be exadurating a little here...). But, no, seriously, it drove fast.
Before I got the chance to finish my "what an idiot"-thought, the car had stopped, the driver had gotten out, crossed the road, and stood arguing with some guy. And then, he HIT him. I don't mean "smack on the cheek"-hit, no I seriously mean punched him, straight in the face. I could hear the knock-sound!! The poor guy dropped dead on the ground, lying unconcious, while the driver ran back to his car and took off.

And thaaaaat's when my dear taxidriver decided to take up the chase. He cut through the roadcrossing and started sending out messages on their intern-radio. He finally got hold of the station and started about the incident, streetnames, nearby shops etc. While he told ME to take down the Sudan's All I could do was hold on, do as I was told and pretend to be in a Hollywood movie. After dodging a few oncoming cars, cutting corners and breaking the speedlimit more than once, we had all the info we wanted. We let the sudan get away, and turned around to check on the poor guy still laying on the ground. By that time two other men had approached him, and I could see that he was moving his hand. Which at least ment he was alive!!!

While I waited in the taxi, my driver got out to check how everything was going. And after talking to the police, a second taxi came to take me home. At last!!! May I say, not only did I get my portion of action that night, I also got a free taxiride;)

I stumbled up the 5 floors of stairs, and had just kicked off my shoes when Rob and his mate Dave came home. Nothing felt better than having two strong guys to keep me safe for a while. So after Rob had made us each a cup of tea, we snuggled up on his bed and watched tv. " THE END!

....I had the weirdest dream last night... Nothing scary or anything, but I can vaguely remember that all the cars were yellow..... hmm.

Thursday, 23 October 2008


I just realized that throughout (all?) my posts, I have not once told you about school!!! Soooory.

Let me start with listing my modules.
  • Quality Assurance:

  • Chemometrics (wich is statistics, and how to use excel for this):

  • Spectroscopy:

  • Chromatograpy:

  • Electrochemestry:

  • Microscopy (inkl. Optics):

  • Bio-LAB:

  • Forensic-LAB:

All of these, exept the Forensic-LAb, are subjects that I've learned about earlier. But this time we go into more details, and... did I mention.. it's in ENGLISH... doooh.

At the time we have a coursework in Spectroscopy, and a Bio-Lab raport thats due in two weeks:S I must confess, it's preeeeeeetty hard!!!
The Forensic Lab is with out a doubt my favourite!!! It's more like a flashback to the arts&crafts lessons in primary school:D:D So far we have stepped in soil and taken our shoeprints, and we have painted litterarly our entire hands and done our fingerprints!!! It's just so much fun!! Next week we'll be bagging evidence! Of course, just like on CSI and Bones, there's tons of paperwork along with it all.
So, until further notice... I can be seen running around St.Andrews in my lab-coat and safetly goggles, with an calibrated automatic pipette in one hand, and my fingerprint set in the other!
(Or I might be located at the library, where I spend about 40% of my time;)

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Pinch Me;)

This piece is dedicated to my one and only "pincher";)

Hehe.. you are just SO sweet:)
